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What are the benefits?

PDO (polydioxanone) thread is basically a suture made out of complex sugar that completely resolves in your body in 6-8 months. When it is strategically placed in your face, it can lift sagging skin, firming and tightening the area. PDO thread lifts are commonly used for jawline (jowls), lower face, cheeks, eye brows, or neck.

Another major benefit is that PDO threads promote collagen production that leads to enhanced skin texture, less fine lines and more elastic skin. Some threads (such as “smooth threads”) are used just to generate collagen (and not for the lifting effect). Collagen in our skin is responsible for softer, smoother, and firmer skin quality.

Tell me more about the procedure

The treatment itself generally takes about 30 minutes, but including application of numbing and aftercare, the appointment is scheduled for an hour. We will apply a numbing cream before the procedure and also inject local numbing medication to the treatment area. As the procedure does involve needles, it can be uncomfortable and you may notice some pressure as well despite the local anesthesia.

For Thread Lift procedure, depending on your individual treatment, there will generally be 2-3 insertion points (where the threads are inserted and later cut off), which will be covered with a small bandage afterwards. It is common to have mild swelling and redness afterwards, which will improve within a few days.

For Smooth Thread procedure, tiny threads are inserted right underneath the skin with no insertion points visible. With smooth threads, the slight redness or swelling generally improves within a few hours.

When do I see the effects?

If you had PDO thread lift, you will see an effect immediately after the procedure. However, the final results of your PDO thread lift will be seen after one to two months as the collagen production will enhance the skin even more. If you had smooth threads for collagen production, then it will take 2-3 months to see the effect.

What are the side effects?

PDO thread treatment is a safe aesthetic procedure. At Mi by Lee, we only use FDA approved threads, mainly MINT PDO threads. Common reactions after the treatment include swelling, redness, bruising, and tightness of the skin that all generally resolve within 1 week. Some patients can have dimpling of their skin, which usually resolves within a few weeks (and if not, can be addressed at your follow-up visit).

What else should I know?

It is important to understand that PDO Thread lift is a temporary noninvasive medical aesthetic treatment and that the effect will last about 1 year. If you would like a more drastic or permanent effect, it may be best to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgical face lift.

Also, in combination with PDO threads, complementary treatments with Neuromodulators (such as Xeomin or Botox) and Dermal Fillers (such as Juvederm or Radiesse) can help reach your aesthetic goals.

How Much does it cost?

The price of your PDO Thread treatments will depend on the details of your individualized treatment plan. When you have your free consultation, the details of your treatment plan will be determined along with the cost.